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du lundi au vendredi 9h-18h

RFR Grips Tour Rohloff/Nexus/NuVinci

Référence : 13219

19,95 € TTC

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En résumé

Searching for comfortable handles? These might be the right choice! Ergonomically shaped for a large supporting surface for hands, they prevent overstressing. The handles’ surface is very grippy and, thanks to dual-density -technology, they provide maximum comfort. Safe clamp on the bar with only one screw. Compatible with Rohloff/Nexus/NuVinci shifting systems.
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Caractéristiques générales
suitable for Rohloff/Nexus/NuVinci shifting systems; dual-density material; ergonomic shape; perfect grip; clamp at inner end
polypropylene; VEXK
195 g
(DxL) 28.5 x 136 mm (DxL) 28.5 x 96 mm

Cube bike

Des vélos d’une qualité exceptionnelle taillés pour la performance